Politics - Not A Sport

A clear look at politics.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Reasons why the democrats may not win in November

Being ashamed of Liberalism- I have heard of republicans politicians stating that they are a conservative, But when was the last time you heard a democrat admit they are a liberal? Just look a Hillary and Bill, both of them have tried to make people think that there “moderate” but not liberal. By not stating it and being proud of it, the democrats have shown that liberalism is a thing to stay away from, and people see that.

Iraq and Afghanistan- The way the democrats have been looking for problems to talk about in Iraq and Afghanistan makes them look anti-American; it makes them look like they enjoy defeat.

Cronyism- Well the Republicans have had problems with this also, the democrats have had the worse. Between William Jefferson hiding 100 thousand in bribes and Ray Nagin’s leadership during the Katrina, the democrats have got a bad grade in the minds of the American people.

Silent Betrayal- The DNC was put into a position where it believed it had to attack itself in order to win in the long run, in New Orleans. In other words, “lose a battle to win a war.” But instead of stepping out boldly (unlike what the republicans are doing in RI, which is something that drives me nuts!) the DNC has attacked went silent and sent, secretly placed political operatives in the city of New Orleans to work against the reelection efforts of incumbent Democrat Mayor Ray Nagin.” This could lead to a loss of base and African American votes.

Inconsistency- Ever since the election and famous, “I voted for the war before I voted against it thing.” The democrats have seemed to back down from responsibility and done is better for the interview the next day rather then what they believe or then what’s good for America. I think this was one of the top four reasons the republicans won last year and I think it will be a big reason this year too.

Lack of Spirituality- The democrats finally figured out that a large percent of Americans believe in some religion and are not atheist (like a large part of them). Then this really hit them when the election came around. So with the election year coming up they tried to solve this problem. First they had a Congress man from West Virginia to do to do read off there lines off the teleprompter, but even before that they had the media state like 100 times that he was a former missionary, then he started and stated that the best thing someone could do was to serve man. Then they tried another attempt at it by holding an, “conference geared to help Democrats infuse God into their politics,” but this failed when members got outrage when the speaker suggested that they should use the bible more often. So as you can see they have not improved very much since the last election.

Negativity- Basic theory behind this: Nobody likes to listen to negative people. Just try to listen to Nancy Pelosi, “Well I must admit that Republican part has done a good job with this, but we still have this, this, this and this.” Drives me crazy and I don’t think Americans will be voting for more of that in November.

Lack of leadership- When they don’t like something what do Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reed do? Cry and yell. It’s about time in that they get a plan instead of attacking others and stating I have a plan.

I’m sure there are a lot of things that I’m forgetting, but these are the ones that came most to mind.


At 6/02/2006 7:12 PM, Blogger ABFreedom said...

Hmmmm ... seems the odds are in favor of Republicans, but over confidence could be the defining issue.

Great comparison. It's gonna be interesting to see how this plays out, and I pray it's mot in the Dem's favor.


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