Reasons why the Republicans could lose in November
Iraq-66% of Americans disapprove of the way Bush is handling the situation in Iraq and that does not look like its going to change soon.
Loss of base-Bush supporting RINO’s in
Spending-Federal expenditures have grown to an estimated $2.31 trillion for the budget year that started October 1. That is up from $1.86 trillion in President Clinton's, huge deficit; government spending has grown nearly 29% over the last four years
Immigration-Lack of a plan that they can agree on, Senator McCain’s plan, loss of support from legal immigrants
Tom Delay- After the Tom Delay fallout the republicans have been looked at as Nixion’ish and Jack did not help.
Energy Dependence-Lack
of progress, gas prices, throwing money at stuff that is not working, bill that made gas 10% ethanol making prices rise
Next I will be looking at why the democrats may not win in November.
Excellent post, Philosopher. I will be looking forward to your post on why you think the Democrats may not win in November. Please let me know when it's up.
I see you haven't been blogging for very long, and so I welcome you to the blogosphere.
I do want you to know that Bush hasn't lost this conservative; I don't expect any person on earth to be perfect, but I do believe he has done a good job of protecting us, and I also believe handing over the house and senate to Democrats would be a disaster. I'm also disapointed at how our borders - especially the southern one - are being handled. But like I said, no one is pefect. As I live in Central Texas, the southern border may be of more concern to me than most.
It seems RINO's are causing the greatest problem. I don't understand why they don't just come out and admit they are Democrats!
Keep up the good work. Your post is thought provoking, and that's a good thing!
You make some very valid points. Still, I am optimistic. Thanks for visiting my blog.
Cool post ... can't wait for the Dem's version ...
Gayle- I think the Bush has done a pretty good job of keeping his base, when it comes to government and Supreme Court nominations. But I am a lot more skeptical when it comes to who he endorses in election. As I stated in Rhode Island he is supporting Lincoln Chaffee, who is basically a liberal and did not even vote for him from president. But overall I think he has done a good job
Rick’s Corner- Thanks
ABFreedom- I just posted it so as I’m sure you can see there version is a lot longer.
Very cool design! Useful information. Go on! »
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