Politics - Not A Sport

A clear look at politics.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

No Game 2- don’t believe it till you see it

Over the past year the democrats have been attacking the President Bush on some of the main problems in are nation. So I wanted to look at what the democrats have been doing about it. And how there words do not do not match there actions. The best place to find what a party “wants” to do is an election site or blog. The following italic quotes are from the Democratic Party Blog:

“We will offer the American people a government that is honest in preparing for any deployment of American troops and honor their sacrifice when they come home.”

Yet the democrats have repeatedly said that Iraq is, "the wrong war in the wrong place at the wrong time" (Quote John Kerry). If that’s w hat you called supporting the war then my name isn’t Philosopher! Kerry has also said, "And there is no reason, Bob, that young American soldiers need to be going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children, you know, women, breaking sort of the customs of the – of – the historical customs, religious customs," sure sounds like he is supporting the troops.

“Most important, we will talk about Democratic values, which are America’s values.”

And why did the democrats lose the election.

“The vast majority of Americans believe it is immoral to lets kids go hungry. We agree. The other party cuts school lunches (they just can’t seem to leave that one alone.)”

Like the republicans don’t

“Americans believe it is immoral that not everyone has some kind of health insurance. We agree.”

Yet the democrats plan would not help. Dr. Randle had this to say about he democrats plan,” None of these plans would institute any meaningful market reforms that may help to control health care costs. They claim their plans would make health care "more affordable for all Americans" but it all amounts to little more than political slight of hand.”

“Americans believe that it is immoral to leave huge debts to our children and grandchildren. We agree”.

But how many pork bills do we see coming from the left each year? According to Jeff Crouere of www.bayoubuzz.com, “The best thing about Republicans controlling Congress since 1994 is that the party has kept Democratic spending plans on hold.” If were having problems right now with the budgit what about a democrat controlled congress.

“Americans believe that using issues to divide us as a country to win elections is bad for America. We will restore America’s sense of community.

Together, America can do better. And in 2006, the Democrats will lead America to do just that.”

Words to sum up the last quote- Fat chance of that!

This book look like a good book for futher research.


At 3/14/2006 7:55 PM, Blogger ABFreedom said...

"“Most important, we will talk about Democratic values, which are America’s values.”"

You don't know how much we hate that stunt up here. In the last election the LIEberals said constantly "Liberal values are Canadian values". Well, that's totally wrong, and it's also wrong for the Dem's to say it as well. No party holds the rights to values of a nation.

Excellent blog by the way. Will try to be more frequent.... if I can ever get some time away from work ... :-(

At 3/14/2006 8:51 PM, Blogger Gayle said...

Ab works way too much. He needs a vacation! :)

Honestly, every time I see Kerry I want to gag!

"We will offer the American people a government that is honest in preparing for any deployment of American troops and honor their sacrifice when they come home." Yeah, well that will be a first. My husband is a Vietnam Veteran. I know how they go about honoring our troops. I have first hand experience with that, and a darned good memory to boot!

Great rant, and I second your last coment: "Fat chance of that!" Indeed.

At 3/15/2006 1:20 PM, Blogger Booker said...

I'm not King Arthur. I don't want the responsibility of kingship. Being a knight is hard enough...

At 3/15/2006 2:58 PM, Blogger MJ said...

Honestly, every time I see Kerry I want to gag!

LOL, me too :)

Seriously, it drives me crazy when I hear Democrats talk about how they "support the troops" while they bash the war effort and say our soldiers "torture." Disgusting!

At 3/16/2006 6:42 AM, Blogger Aidan said...

Thanks, abfreedom.

Well I'm sad to say that most Americans trust the democrats more in congress then the republicans in congress. But that is only if you trust polls.

Kerry would not get into as mush trouble if he was gagged.

At 3/16/2006 10:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

C'mon, we already had to endure looking at the deathly face of this person for a good six months at least. Why must we be tortured any longer?!


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