Politics - Not A Sport

A clear look at politics.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Reasons why the Republicans could lose in November

Iraq-66% of Americans disapprove of the way Bush is handling the situation in Iraq and that does not look like its going to change soon. Iraq is on the verge of a civil war, troops are leaving the Iraq army because they can’t be deployed in there town, the U.S is spending about 5-7 billion a month in Iraq, the Iraq government can’t get along; media bias is pushing the truth, and the false.

Loss of base-Bush supporting RINO’s in Rhode Island and Pennsylvania and also attacking there conservative opponent, Republicans voting against veterans

Spending-Federal expenditures have grown to an estimated $2.31 trillion for the budget year that started October 1. That is up from $1.86 trillion in President Clinton's, huge deficit; government spending has grown nearly 29% over the last four years

Immigration-Lack of a plan that they can agree on, Senator McCain’s plan, loss of support from legal immigrants

Tom Delay- After the Tom Delay fallout the republicans have been looked at as Nixion’ish and Jack did not help.

Energy Dependence-Lack

of progress, gas prices, throwing money at stuff that is not working, bill that made gas 10% ethanol making prices rise

Iran- Nothing is being done in the U.S or UN, to much talk not a lot of action

But as a lot of this is based on polls, some of it does not matter too bush. In the words of bush’s backup,” If I cared about polls I would run for president of Poland!”

Next I will be looking at why the democrats may not win in November.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

How political pork hurts America

Sorry I have not posted in awhile, but I have been very busy.

One issue that has been brought to my attention in the past few months, deals with bills. The question is why would Bush “promise to veto a huge Senate bill to pay for the rising costs of the war in Iraq and Afghanistan and to repair Hurricane Katrina damage.” Well because that’s not the only purpose of the bill. Other things includes: 2“$14 billion with add-ons for farm aid, highway repairs, and aid to the Gulf Coast fishing industry” and a whole bunch of other pork put into it.

Well the sad truth is that politics comes before common sense. Politicians will put things like, 3$230 million bridge to an island with 80 people” into bills, just to get elected in the next election. Bush saw this type of politics finally and tried to stop it. An official White House statement stated that,4“The administration is seriously concerned with the overall funding level and the numerous un-requested items included in the Senate bill that are unrelated to the war or emergency hurricane relief needs.” After Bush decided to uses the threat of the veto, which he had never used before, his approval rating dropped to match the worst in the his presidency.

So the result of all of this is a lot of good bills not getting passed. Bills from Katrina to Veterans have been pushed off by the republicans because of this pork pushing. And well these bills get delayed people suffer and politicians lose votes.

Just one more proof that politics is no game.

Sources of quotes:





Pictures from Whitehouse.gov

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Two Really Good Websites

One of the best websites on the web is Evil Conservitives.com with a lot of really funny posters uncluding the one on the top.
This is also a really good site called despair.com. Instead of highly Inspirational

posters, this site offers demotivator posters. And most of them are pretty funny.